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2016 in Taiwan.

For those of you that are also interested in studying abroad in Taiwan, hopefully the information I have on this site helps. Check the application process page if you are considering, in the process of, or done applying to the study abroad program. I know I was pretty anxious both before and after applying to the program, so any information I could find about the program really helped soothed my anxiety. 


I chose to study abroad in Taiwan because I really wanted to go back to school in Taiwan ever since I was a kid. I mean, yeah, other countries appealed to me too, but tbh, I am kind of a coward, so I am scared of studying a semester in a country that I cannot speak the language of. I know, I'd probably be okay and improve on my Japanese/Korean skill if I do choose to either one of these countries, but I also wanted to improve my Chinese skills; I don't want to be stuck at just elementary school level. So, there, my reasons of choosing NTU. Well those, and plus the yummy good food and the cheap everything there are in Taiwan.


I will also try my best updating my (school + social) life and adventures in Taiwan, so be sure to check it out if you are interested!

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